Sunday, 19 July 2015

I Don't Want to be Critical, But...

I don't want to be critical--have you noticed when people start a sentence with I don't want to do something, that's exactly what they're going to do?--but this Oberholser character on the Golfchannel really cheeses me off.

Did you listen to him last night, pontificating about how Dustin Johnson was driving it so well he was going to run away with the Open?  This is the same guy who asserted that Jordan Spieth could never dominate the game because he wasn't long enough.  

Does this guy know anything about the game?  He played on the tour, didn't he?  I can't believe this guy gets paid to spout the sort of nonsense he spouts.  

I had high hopes for DJ.  In fact, I wrote a blog about him a few months ago, calling him a man on a mission, in which I suggested he was looking really good since his return, and that he just might start winning Majors.  I haven't changed my mind.  But DJ won't get a Major just because he hits it longer and straighter than everyone else.  That is only one third of the game.

He has to also wedge it, and putt it well enough to win.  His wedge game is much improved, but the putter is still the unknown quantity.   When he's putting well, he's a force to be reckoned with.  But, his putter comes and goes. 

He's also got some scar tissue from his near misses in the Majors, including Chambers Bay.  I am a fan.  I hope he breaks through and gets a Major.  I hope he gets several of them.  But, with the luck he's had, the first one won't come easy.  If he's human, he'll be coming down the stretch trying not to worry about disaster striking again.  But, I'm almost certain, if he keeps putting himself there, he'll break through.  He's phenomenally talented.

Perhaps, coming from behind will actually help him tomorrow.  He'll be chasing instead of protecting, and it might just free up his putting stroke.  I wish him luck.

As for Oberholser, someone needs to explain to him why they say, "Drive for show, and putt for dough."

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